Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

Bakti Desa 2019

bakdes or village service activities that are routinely held by SMAN 3 Bandung and must be followed. This bakdes trains us to live independently and far from urban areas that are so frantic, this time the village is in the village of Ciibeureum Kertasari, Bandung Regency. when we have been absent before by an academic supervisor after that we depart using a public vehicle containing 12 people. after arriving at our destination we photographed the photos first and continued the reception by the village head and villagers from the sman 3 bandung school principal. we were in the village of cibeuruem for 3 days, before we were distributed to the homes of the residents we were given consumption for lunch by the committe.
we got foster parents named ema titien. This ema titien has been in the village of Kertasari for 50 years and has been left behind by her husband 2 years ago, she worked as a farmer everyday. the wage received is enough to fulfill his life, he lives with one child. we look first for one hour and tidy up the bag. after that we performed asr prayers and talked with residents. we also ate together before sunset. we also offered evening prayers and evening prayers. we are also ready to be ready to tidy up the food that will be given to residents around tomorrow. after that we rested.

the second day, the IPS class on the road to the rice fields and rivers and there was a thing that there was a motorbike that crashed into our fields, the IPS class helped the motorcycle. after that we took a break, and continued to play volleyball with the residents there because the residents there were volleyball playing hobbies and we competed between social studies classes and paper residents. and in the afternoon we distributed groceries that were happy and happy because we could help the needy people.

on the third day, we visited the Cisitu River, kilometer 0, we used Kolbak to go there and pay only 12 thousand, we could enjoy the atmosphere there which was very cool. after that we go home and are ready to prepare the items we carry. and do not forget we thank you in particular for ema titien who wants to receive us well and also for the paper citizens for their warm welcome. we went home to return to our homes.

Rabu, 20 Februari 2019


When I visited Edu Passion from a private university, I went on to Padjajaran University where I got a lot of new things and I went to the University of Indonesia Education booth. Edu's passion is very important for us in school children who rise to a higher level and we can find out the weaknesses and strengths of the university that we attend so we can choose the choice to choose the university we are interested in. And there is also a food stall apart from the university which fills the stand.

And there is also an interesting appearance from the Tamudan star also from KPA 3. Besides that there is a West Java governor, Mr. Ridwan Kamil who came to the event and inaugurated the room in the sman 3 Bandung.

Rabu, 16 Januari 2019


1. The ASEAN organization was established in Bangkok in ...

a. August 18, 1945

b. November 11, 1947

c. August 8, 1961

d. August 8, 1967

2. AFTA was launched at the ASEAN Summit in Singapore in ...

a. 1992

b. 1993

c. 1994

d. 1995

3 The first representative of the Indonesian delegation to become the ASEAN Secretary General was ...

a. H.R. Dharsono

b. Umarjadi Notowijono

c. Rusli Noor

d. Adam Malik
The aim of cooperation in the Southeast Asian countries in the field of politics and security is ....

a. Increase investment in the Southeast Asia region

b. Improve the competitiveness of the Southeast Asia region

c. Raising military power

d. Creating stability in the Southeast Asia region

4 The aim of cooperation between countries in the Southeast Asia in the field of politics and security is ....

a. Increase investment in the Southeast Asia region

b. Improve the competitiveness of the Southeast Asia region

c. Raising military power

d. Creating stability in the Southeast Asia region

5. The association of countries in the Southeast Asia is called ...







1. Write the extension of ASEAN and also explain its meaning?

2 Who is the pioneer of the formation of ASEAN organizations?

3 What are the names of ASEAN member countries that the EUROPE have never colonized?

4 What date was the G-77 formed?

5 How many ASEAN member countries are there now?