Minggu, 26 Agustus 2018

Ridwan debat and opinion

Debate and Opinion

1.  Topic : Freeport Deal Still Unclear
-> Pro : Government does is good (take the ownership of 51%).
-> Con : The income is not higher.

2. Topic : Saver Crossings
-> Pro : With saver crossing, it makes us safety because we don’t need wait the train topass. Thus reducing the likelihood of an accident because of people who break the rules.
-> Con : If there is a saver crossing, the construction will take a long time and create traffic jams. It also disrupt the train traffic.

3. Topic: Sleeping too much or too little can increase risk of health
-> Pro : Sleeping too much or too little can give negative effect for health, because based on Korean research, sleping too much can make blood sugar be higher
-> Contra: For getting the healthy life, it's not only sleeping but we should eat healthy foods.

4. Topic : MUI Disannounce Night Prayer in Monas
-> Pro : Istiqlal Mosque is closer and shalat is better in mosque.
-> Con : Religion events use monas for Taraweh because there’s too many people.

5. Topic : Tanah Abang’s Skybridge
-> Pro : It can make time more effective because pedestrians don't have to walk far to get to the market.
-> Con : The construction costs of 50 billion Rupiah is too much.

Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Elements of the 
Found/Not Found
 we are proud to announce we out grew our old place
 the information of computer store like location
   contact us
teks 3

Elements of the Announcement
Found/Not Found
 not found
 the information to open branches inmedan, denpasar, lombok and makasar

teks 2

Elements of the Announcement
Found/Not Found
 call for proposal
the information announcement is Indonesia  needed to
understand the ecology and variability in transmission to human.
detailed information of call off proposal 

teks 1
Elements of the Announcement
Found/Not Found
hello georgetown 
 information weddingparty and collections party 
 contact information

Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

West Kalimantan is a province in Indonesia located on the island of Borneo with the capital city of Pontianak City . The Governor is  Drs. Cornelis M.H. and Vice Governor is Christiandy Sanjaya
Cornelis 2013.jpg
     The total area of West Kalimantan Province is 146,807 km² (7.53% of Indonesia). It is the fourth largest province after Papua, East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.
     The area of West Kalimantan includes one area that can be dubbed the province of "Thousand Rivers". This nickname is in harmony with the geographical conditions that have hundreds of large and small rivers that can be and often navigable. Several major rivers are still the arteries and main routes for inland transport, although road infrastructure has reached most of the sub-districts.
     West Kalimantan borders with the Malaysian state of Sarawak.  Although a small part of West Kalimantan is marine, West Kalimantan has dozens of large and small (partially uninhabited) islands scattered along the Karimata Strait and Natuna Sea bordering Riau Islands Province.
     The population in West Kalimantan Province according to the 2016 census amounted to 5,365,256 people (1.85% of Indonesia's population).
     The climate in West Kalimantan is wet tropical climate, rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year with peak rainfall occurring in January and October the average air temperature between 26.0 s / d 27.0 and the average humidity between 80% to 90% .
     The most dominant ethnic group in West Kalimantan, Dayak (49.91%), then Malay (16.50%). Dayak ethnicity is ethnic in rural areas, while ethnic Malays are majority in coastal area. The third largest ethnic group is Javanese (8.66%) who have settlement base in transmigration areas. In the fourth place of the Chinese ethnic (8.17%) are widely found in urban areas such as Singkawang and Pontianak. Next in fifth place are Madurese (6.27%) who have settlement base in Pontianak and Kubu Raya.
The sixth to 10th largest ethnic groups are Bugis (3.13%), Sundanese (1.13%), Batak (0.60%), Daya (0.52%) and Banjar (0.33%) and other tribes (1.33%).

     In the 19th century, the Dutch and the British increasingly intensified their monopoly of commerce in various sultanates. They also spread the Christian religion. In order to dominate trade, they must break the resistance of some empire and tribe who will not bow. In the early 20th century, the Dutch had mastered the interior. But in 1930, the Dutch had only succeeded in occupying Kalimantan, except for North Borneo which was controlled by the British.
     In this 20th century, began to emerge national movements. Various movements are branches of movement in Java. This is caused by the Kalimantan system of transportation with Java that has started well. People who feel depressed by the Dutch colonizers, forming a container of struggle.
     The first political organization that stood in West Kalimantan was the Syarikat Islam of 1914. In a short time, the Syarikat Islam developed rapidly, where its development was supported also by kings and nobles. In 1922, the birth of a new communist organization, called Sharikat Rakyat. The organization is headed by Gusti Sulung Lelanang, a former activist of the Syarikat Islam.
Another organization formed in West Kalimantan is Muhammadiyah. This branch of Islamic organization was opened by two religious teachers from West Sumatra. Beginning in 1932, Muhammadiyah developed rapidly, they opened branches in Pontianak, Sungai Bakau Kecil, Singkawang, and Sambas.
In 1936, Partai Indonesia Raya (Parindra) opened its branch in West Kalimantan. After that, they opened branches in several areas of West Kalimantan such as in Pontianak, Ngabang, Sambas, and Singkawang. In addition to the movement which is a branch of Java, there are also local political organizations such as the Unity of Borneo children. But this organization was under Dutch influence, and did not play a role in raising national consciousness.
In February 1942, the Japanese landed in Borneo and immediately took over the Dutch. Japan then forbade political organizations and imposed coercion and suppression against the people. Various folk activities were centered for the purpose of the Japanese war. Japanese confinement and cruelty ended when the "Older Brother" lost the war, surrendering to the allies.
News of the proclamation of independence reached West Kalimantan on August 18, 1945. after the news of this proclamation spread, the fighters of West Kalimantan immediately formed an organization called the Committee of the Republic of Indonesia (PPRI). After that, start the era of efforts to maintain independence.
Efforts to realize the government of the Republic of Indonesia in West Kalimantan to get constraints because the Dutch re-master this area. The struggle to expel the Dutch was done by military and political means. On the military road, the fighters carried out attacks on Dutch defense posts. In the political field, the struggle was made by establishing various struggle organizations, such as the Association of Indonesia Association (Gapi), Persatuan Bangsa Indonesia Sambas (Perbis), Pemuda Indonesia Merdeka (PIM), Gerakan Indonesia Merdeka (Gerindo), Persatuan Muslim Indonesia (Permi), and Indonesian Youth Movement (Gerpindo).

The Dutch made various arrests against the fighters. As a result many fighters are forced to leave the countryside. They then formed semi-military units with former members of Heiho and residents. The struggle against the Netherlands was fiercer when the Dutch intended to establish the state of Borneo. Through the Round Table Conference (KMB), the Netherlands made West Kalimantan a state of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS).
But the existence of RIS is not accepted by the people. Finally on August 17, 1950, RIS was disbanded and Kalimantan again became part of the Republic of Indonesia. As the governor of the Province of Borneo after the dissolution of RIS, appointed Dr. M. Murjani.

After its formation, that is, on January 1, 1957, West Kalimantan began to organize the government. However, due to the local and national security situation is not stable, the government at that time could not improve the level of life of the people. After the end of the turmoil, which ended with the crackdown on the G30S / PKI incident, the local government of West Kalimantan can improve the lives and welfare of the people.

1.located where is the capital of west kalimantan?

2.who is the governor of western kalimantan today?
 a.Ridwan kamil
 b.Sandiaga Uno
 c.Cornelis M.H
 d. dede yusuf
 e. Djarot Saiful

3.what is the famous food in west kalimantan?
 a. tahu sumedang
 b. dodol 
d. ale ale
 e. pisang ijo

4.deputy governor of west kalimantan that who
a. chrisiandy sanjaya
b. oded md
c ahok
d nurdin
e.ahmad heryawan

5.the famous musical instrument in west kalimantan is
a angklung
b gitar
c rebana
d kecapi
e tawaq

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. E

Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

                                                                 Entis Sutisna

Sule OVJ is a well known comedian in Indonesia who has a lot of talent and is well liked by all TV viewers. Sule was born in Cimahi City, West Java, November 15, 1976 with the original name of Entis Sutisna. Sule's name soared in the entertainment world after his role in Opera Van Java (OVJ). Initially he started his career by becoming the winner of Audition Indonesian Pelawak (API) in TPI who joined in the group of SOS comedy in 2004-2005. Sule name itself is an abbreviation of Sunda Bule which is typical of Sule is a Sundanese but hair like Bule.
Since he was in elementary school, Sule OVJ has been performing on the seventeenth stage of Agustusan, to dance. "From the age of five years when he heard jaipongan congenital music always joget. I'm really happy to dance, "said this long-haired man and blonde. Because it's fun to dance that, finally parents register it to the studio Kandaga. "Starting from there I can often be champion. Not only in West Java, but also to Jakarta, "said the man born in Cimahi who has a goal to be the host of this news.

1.when will the sutisna entis be born?
e. karawang

2.at when sule join group sos comedy?

3.first time sule get champion on what competence?
a.Audition Indonesia Pelawak(API)
b.Indonesa Idol
c.singer dance
d.dangdut Indonesia
e. Audition musik

4.the closest friend of the same sule who?
a.raffi ahmad
b.aura kasih
c. andhika prtama
d. soimah
e.andre taulany

5.now sule has children how much?

3.a.Audition Pelawak Indonesia
4.e.Andre Taulany
5.b. 4

Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

My Last Holiday

                                                              My Last Holiday 

on the day of my holiday i went to manglayang mountain i went with my friends we held camping cheerful there we studied independently without relying on others this manglayang mountain has a height of 1818 mdpl i was there for two days i walked from the first post the same last holiday in this mountain very fun to get rid of the saturation and the mind became calm after that home we were soaking hot water in garut area to relieve fatigue and eliminate also sore in muscle finally we go home to each

the rest of my school holidays I spend time with family at home while eating together watching movies and joking laugh together because when school time is not enough time to implement it

but I am on the first day of school I go home her road with my school friends walk down the tea gardens in the area cikole lembang there we won ourselves with a very cool breeze and our minds there relax there drinking a cup of warm coffee and come home from there we eat to eat seafood there is a shark fish it feels great to regret if not try the food. finally we go home at night.